Yoga Classes in The Cotswolds, Oxfordshire



Nikki is one of the most inspiring and compassionate teachers I have ever met (Fergus)

Thank you , I felt so calmed by your extraordinary soothing voice. You have a special talent and are clearly skilled in delivering the message of yoga and mindfulness.  (Emma)

A fantastic, kind and gentle teacher, could not have asked for better  (Julia)

Nikki is a very experienced teacher and extremely knowledgeable regarding yoga and health conditions. It is her love of life, sense of humour and kind encouragement that gives her the popular reputation she has maintained for the many years I’ve attended her classes.  (Sue)

These classes provide genuine teaching approaches and are full of knowledge, warmth and compassion.  I have benefitted immensely from them.  (Dave)

Nikki’s yoga sessions are an important part of my life as I get older.  Her approach helps to stimulate my sluggish digestive system, create more flexibility in my arthritic joints and generally soothes the stresses of a busy life, giving me a lovely sense of well being. I highly recommend them. (Wendy)

Nikki connects with the people she comes into contact with, you are not a client or a customer with Nikki, you are more than that. Nikki offers a truly personal, thoughtful method of using and teaching yoga. Your needs may be different to mine, but whatever the reason you want to use yoga, Nikki will certainly be able to help you.  (Simon)

I am on very long term chemotherapy for an incurable cancer, I was struggling to face each treatment, needing anxiolytics and sleeping poorly. Nikki’s therapeutic yoga teaching and practice has enabled me to do without drug support, sleep well and feel that I have the resources to cope. (Rosie)

In both 1 to 1 sessions and therapeutic classes, I have found Nikki’s sessions to be of immense value both in addressing a chronic back problem and also in coming to terms with a cancer diagnosis. The emphasis on mindful breathing filters out into the rest of my life in all kinds of ways, which feed mind, body and soul. I would find it hard to be without it now. (Angela)